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Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Y2- Rabbit Class

Welcome to Rabbit Class 2023-24!


Teacher: Miss Coleman   

Teaching Assistants: Mr Boughton, Mrs Johnson.



Term 5 Teaching and Learning


English- This term the children are introduced to the text ‘The Last Wolf’ by Mini Grey. The children will be applying all of the English skills they have learnt so far and will learn how to use subordination in different ways. They will also learn how to use homophones and use punctuation correctly, including using apostrophes in their contracted form. In phonics the children will explore how sounds can be spelt in different ways and will continue to develop their understanding of spelling rules when adding the suffixes _ed, _ing, _er, _est and _ly.


Maths- Children will continue to learn about multiplication and division and recognise the relationship with these operations. They will experiment with a range of methods and strategies to problem solve. Children will also begin learning about fractions and will experience some theme days across the term focussed on ‘measurement’.


Science- This term the children will learn about ‘Plants’. They will learn about the process of growth and grow some of their own plants.


History- This term the children will explore the question- ‘What is a monarch?’. They will learn about how monarchy was in the past and compare to now. They will be introduced to William the Conqueror and shown how castles have changed overtime.


Physical Education- The children will have great fun every Tuesday learning how to play cricket. Please make sure your child arrives to school in their PE kit- a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn if needed… and of course coats when it gets a bit chillier!


PSHE- Jo will introduce the children to the ‘Relationships’ topic. They will explore all types of relationships from families to friends and discuss key qualities of good relationships such as safety, trust and appreciation.


Music- ‘Musical me’. Children will have the opportunity to sing and play instruments and begin making their own melodies.


Art- The children will focus on the question ‘How can we transform an object and turn it into a sculpture, using our imagination?’. With plants in mind, the children will create a stick transformation whilst developing key art and design techniques.


Term 4 Teaching and Learning


English- This term the children are introduced to the text ‘My Name is not Refugee’ by Kate Milner. The children will explore different sentence types and eventually write a diary in the first person.


Maths- Children will learn how to multiply and divide beginning with manipulatives and then recording as number sentences. They will experiment with a range of methods and strategies to solve multiplications and divisions.


Science- This term the children will learn about ‘Animal Life Cycles and Health’. They will learn about the importance of eating healthily, exercising and staying clean whilst recognising the components needed to survive.


Geography- ‘Why is our world wonderful?’  The children will build on their prior knowledge of the seven continents and learn the names of the countries in the UK. They’ll also learn (sing) the names of the five oceans and learn how animals survive in their habitats.


Physical Education- The children will have great fun every Tuesday learning fundamental throwing and catching skills, and learn how to play ball games. Please make sure your child arrives to school in their PE kit- a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn if needed… and of course coats when it gets a bit chillier!


PSHE- Jo will introduce the children to the ‘Healthy Me’ topic. Children will discuss focuses they have learnt in science and by the end of the term show an understanding of how to stay healthy.


Music- With ‘space’ in mind – children will travel to infinity and beyond when analysing famous pieces of music by Gustav Holst. They’ll read motifs and play glockenspiels with careful thought towards dynamic and tempo.


Design Technology- The children will focus on the mechanisms needed to make a wheel work. They will plan, design and build their own ferris wheels with many references made to the famous landmark- The London Eye!


 REMINDER ~ Homework


Reading books – A polite reminder -Reading is an essential part of each school day and it really helps to develop your child’s writing skills. Please could reading books come into school every day, (even if your child hasn’t read!) We like to hear them read as often as possible and tot up those all-important reading bug points! Please ensure you sign their record so we know they have read 😊


On occasions, additional ‘targeted’ homework may be set. This may be a task begun in school to continue at home or some further practise on a skill they have been introduced to.




Our shopping trip to Aldi to spend £1!

Term 3 Teaching and Learning


English- This term the children are introduced to the text ‘The Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson. Look out for mysterious ‘going-ons’ this term… Dragon’s are usually unseen, overlooked and unnoticed! The children will continue to develop their spelling, punctuation and grammar throughout and finally write their own version of the story.


Maths- Children will be exploring elements of geometry and measurement alongside daily arithmetic using addition and subtraction skills. They will look at 2D and 3D shapes and begin learning about money and its values.


Science- Children will learn all about everyday materials and their uses. They will learn a variety of vocabulary to describe these.


History- ‘How did we learn to fly?’ – No… not on dragons! In history Rabbit class will learn all about the first ever flight and how important and significant people developed flight. They’ll also be immersed in successful achievements that made history!


Physical Education- The children will have great fun every Tuesday learning Pop Lacrosse. Please make sure your child arrives to school in their PE kit- a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn if needed… and of course coats when it gets a bit chillier!


PSHE- Jo will introduce the children to ‘dreams and goals’. Whilst setting individualised targets children will also learn how to work as a team and cooperate together to succeed in achieving.


Music- Whilst developing that ongoing love for traditional tales, the children will be introduced to orchestral instruments. Within they will select appropriate musical instruments to represent characters feelings and actions which will aid them to tell their own story through music.


Art- ‘Expressive Painting’- The children will use a variety of tools and equipment to work with different paint types. They will be encouraged to be exploratory as possible and find new ways to paint.


 REMINDER ~ Homework


Reading books – A polite reminder -Reading is an essential part of each school day and it really helps to develop your child’s writing skills. Please could reading books come into school every day, (even if your child hasn’t read!) We like to hear them read as often as possible and tot up those all-important reading bug points! Please ensure you sign their record so we know they have read 😊


On occasions, additional ‘targeted’ homework may be set. This may be a task begun in school to continue at home or some further practise on a skill they have been introduced to.




Term 2 Teaching and Learning


English- This term the children are introduced to the text ‘The Great Fire of London’ by Emma Adams. They will learn lots about this pivotal moment in history, recording facts and then learning how to write a non-chronological report.


Maths- Children will continue to use their place value skills and learn how to add and subtract numbers.


Science- Using knowledge gained from last term’s focus: habitats. The children will now explore microhabitats.


Geography- The children will be asked ‘ Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold pace?’ – This will be another enquiry based journey whilst learning the seven continents and the poles. They will investigate weather and climate and specifically investigate the difference and similarities between Kenya and the UK.


Physical Education- The children will have great fun every Friday at 2pm, learning some fundamental skills. Please make sure your child arrives to school in their PE kit- a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn if needed… and of course coats when it gets a bit chillier!


PSHE- Jo will introduce the children to ‘celebrating difference’ including some deep discussions on bullying.


Music- The children will learn lots of Christmas songs in preparation for their Christmas Play Performance.


Design Technology- The children will be building a small chair from materials when exploring the concept and features of structures.


 REMINDER ~ Homework


Reading books – A polite reminder -Reading is an essential part of each school day and it really helps to develop your child’s writing skills. Please could reading books come into school every day, (even if your child hasn’t read!) We like to hear them read as often as possible and tot up those all-important reading bug points! Please ensure you sign their record so we know they have read 😊


On occasions, additional ‘targeted’ homework may be set. This may be a task begun in school to continue at home or some further practise on a skill they have been introduced to.




Our Victorian Day Trip to Kent Life

What are rabbit class learning about this term?



This term the children are introduced to the text ‘Troll Swap’ by Leigh Hodgkinson. They will have fun meeting different trolls and exploring character’s roles. They will learn how to give well structured descriptions and write narratives whilst continuing to develop their spelling, grammar and punctuation. They will then write a story based upon the text using the pupil’s ideas for characters.




Children will recap on what they learnt in year 1 and build on this further in a focus on ‘Place Value’. Children will use their knowledge of partitioning and link it to concepts of addition when expanding numbers. Place value will be explored through many resources and representations. They will also explore counting 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s and begin to write numbers in words.




The children will learn all about habitats this term. This will include recalling some life process, classifying objects and identifying where animals and plants are found. They’ll also look at food chains.





The children will be asked ‘What was school like in the past?’ – This will be very enquiry based journey and the children will need to be detectives to discover what school was really like 100 years ago! Hopefully they’ll notice the differences!!...Especially when they experience a Victorian classroom for themselves!


Geography term! Wait and see!


Physical Education

The children will have great fun every Friday at 2pm, learning some fundamental skills in Basketball with sports coach Mark. Please make sure your child arrives to school in their PE kit- a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn if needed… and of course coats when it gets a bit chillier!



The children will meet Jigsaw Jo in Year 2. They will learn all about being them in their world, considering hopes, fears, rewards, and consequences along the way.



Children will explore some musical concepts in a West African style, using body percussion and learning to use some other percussion instruments.



This will begin with the enquiry question- How can we become open, curious, explorers of the world, and use what we find to inspire us to make art? This term the children will learn to feel inspired by what they see around them by collecting materials and experimenting with different means of art.  


Design Technology

To be revealed next term! 





Reading books – A polite reminder -Reading is an essential part of each school day and it really helps to develop your child’s writing skills. Please could reading books come into school every day, (even if your child hasn’t read!) We like to hear them read as often as possible and tot up those all-important reading bug points! Please ensure you sign their record so we know they have read 😊


On occasions, additional ‘targeted’ homework may be set. This may be a task begun in school to continue at home or some further practise on a skill they have been introduced to.




Due to the closure tomorrow, I have provided the following tasks for your home learning. I look forward to seeing your hard work!


English: Rabbits, please continue your sentences about the three characters we explored today in the clip from the 'Trolls' movie. Can you extend your sentences with using 'and' or 'because'? Remember to discuss any descriptive vocabulary that describes the personalities and feelings of each character... AND don't forget that all important punctuation when recording your responses! (Capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.)


Trolls - Cloud Guy Scene | Fandango Family - YouTube


Exemplar sentences:

I think Poppy is a friendly troll.

I think Branch is a grumpy and unsociable troll.

I think Cloud is a funny and cheeky character.



I think Poppy is a friendly troll because she is polite and attentive towards Cloud.

I think Branch is a skeptical troll because he doesn't agree with Cloud.


Maths: Please complete the worksheet and recap your knowledge on numbers to 20 as we did on Monday.

Year 2 Home Learning Tuesday 20th June


Maths: Tables


Watch the video :

Complete the worksheet below.


English: Give the 'Journey' picture book words!


Now that you have seen the story of 'Journey', can you retell the story in your own words?

Think carefully about what vocabulary you use and make your story sound exciting.

Remember: Punctuation, interesting vocabulary (adjectives, verbs, adverbs) and don't forget those conjunctions to help extend your sentences!)

Please can the children bring their stories to school on Wednesday to share. I look forward to hearing them! 





Year 2 Home Learning for Monday 19th June 2022


Maths: Tally Charts

Please see resources attached below.


English: Text 'Journey' by Aaron Becker.

See link to animated preview below.

Answer the following questions and respond on the 'Tell Me Grid'. You can draw your own at home :) You can respond on the grid by drawing pictures and labelling or listing your ideas using bullet points.



  • How is the girl feeling throughout the story? What adjectives can you think of to describe this? Can you trump them? (Find a better synonym that sounds more exciting!)
  • What is happening in the story?
  • What happens that you were not expecting? 
  • What questions do you have that remain unanswered?
  • Can you see any patterns in the story?
  • What other texts does the film remind you of? 


Other activities: Timestables Rockstars, read a book, practise common exception word spelling, purplemash spelling rules.



Year 2 Learning for Friday 16th June 2023



Complete the activity on ‘Hours in a day’. See the video below to show you what to do 😊 and complete the activity attached on the word document below.



Giraffes video-

Write a descriptive piece about the giraffes video using the third person and past tense. Use your senses. What do you see? What can be heard? What can be smelt? What does it feel like as the giraffe?

Things to remember:

  • Punctuation
  • Third person – use pronouns he, she, they
  • Past tense- use of suffix ‘ed and irregular verbs ( run-> ran)


Other activities:

Read your reading book, have a round on Timestables Rockstars and practise spelling any common exception words if you can.


Most importantly, enjoy the sunshine :). I look forward to seeing your hard work!


Best wishes,

Miss Coleman x

Welcome to Rabbit Class 2022-23


Class Teacher: Miss Coleman

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Martin, Mrs Hughes, Miss Baxter


What a fantastic year we've had so far! Lets keep up the incredible work and have lots of fun along the way.



Please ensure your child reads as often as possible and brings their reading book into school daily. Remember to sign your child's reading record so we can work towards their reading bug.


The children have also been provided with 'log in's' to use on a device at home.

  • 'Time Tables Rock Stars' to practice their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
  • 'Purple Mash' which will provide them with the opportunity to complete follow up spelling activities. 
  • 'Hit the Button' - this will allow children to practice their mental maths. (Please find at


Your child may also be provided with some specific tasks that will support them with their learning during their time in year 2.

If you have any problems with accessing these, please let Miss Coleman know.



Physical Education & Forest School


PE is every Monday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit and has removed any jewellery. This term the children have been learning 'gymnastics'. After half term, the children will be learning 'dance'.  You will be notified of when forest school sessions are due to happen.


Term 2 Topic- 'What are the wonders of the amazing African continent?'



Please see curriculum overview.

Term 1 Topic-  'What was life like as a pirate?'

Our School Trip to Chatham Dockyard

Some photos of what we got up to last term!

Welcome to Rabbit Class 2021/22!



Teacher - Miss Coleman            Class TA - Mrs Martin 

TERM 5 & 6


Welcome to Summer term! The children are very busy preparing for their SATS this term- a massive well done to them all as they are all trying so hard!


Upcoming Dates:

PE- 10th May, 24th May, 14th June, 28th June, 12th July

Forest School- 17th May, 7th June, 21st June, 5th July, 19th July


This term's topic: 'Travel and Transport'

This term, Rabbit class will be learning about the history of transportation and how it has changed the lives of people. From horse and carriages to racing cars to hot air balloons to rockets launching into space... to mention a few.





TERM 3 & 4 (January 2022-April 2022) 


Welcome back and a happy new year to you all! It is lovely to see you all.


Reading books will continue to be changed every Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that reading books are brought into school daily so we can monitor regularly and share progress/achievements.


Forest School and PE dates are as follows.



Tuesday 4th January- PE - Gymnastics

Tuesday 11th January - Forest School

Tuesday 18th January - PE - Gymnastics

Tuesday 25th January - Forest School

Tuesday 1st February- PE - Gymnastics

Tuesday 8th February- Forest School



Tuesday 22nd February- PE

Tuesday 1st March- Forest School

Tuesday 8th March- PE

Tuesday 15th March- Forest School

Tuesday 22nd March- PE

Tuesday 29th March- Forest School




(Please ensure children arrive to school in their PE kit/ forest school clothes on the appropriate days.)

This term's topic question:


'What is the story of a survivor in an extreme environment?'


This term children will be exploring cold and hot places of the world. They will take a learning journey through Antarctica, the Sahara desert and the Arctic. Whilst noticing similarities and differences, children will be encouraged to look at 'life' in these places... I wonder what types of animals they will discover? Will they discover why penguins have no need to fly? (even though they are a bird!)



Please see year 2's curriculum overview and key vocabulary below for more information.



based on the book ' The Crow's Tale' by Naomi Howarth.

Some snippets of what we got up to last term!

TERM 1 & 2 - (September 2021- December 2021)


It has been a great first week back with lots of sunshine! Rabbits class have amazed me with how well they have settled into their new classroom. We’ve had so much fun already and I can’t wait for more exciting times ahead! 


Here is some useful and important information for the term ahead. 


Reading books 

Reading will be slightly different in Year 2 since children will be taking part in guided reading sessions every morning and will be heard individually across the week too. We like to hear the children read as often as possible so please ensure their reading books are brought into school every day. To ensure the children get the best out of their reading we ask that reading books are changed every Monday and Thursday so that this remains in sync with guided reading sessions in school. The children can then acquire a greater understanding of the texts they read alongside their tailored sessions in school. Please ensure the children are familiar with their books and encourage them to answer the comprehension questions at the back to check understanding. I also encourage the children to read other materials outside of school, whether this be magazines, books at home or other engaging materials personal to them. 


PE & Forest School 

Tuesday 14th September- Forest School 

Tuesday 21st September – PE 

Tuesday 28th September – Forest School 

Tuesday 5th October- PE 

Tuesday 12th October- Forest School 

Tuesday 19th October- PE 


Tuesday 2nd November- Forest School

Tuesday 9th November- PE 

Tuesday 16th November- Forest School

Tuesday 23rd November- PE

Tuesday 30th November- Forest School

Tuesday 7th December- PE

Tuesday 14th December- Forest School


Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for PE and Forest school. 


Thank you for your ongoing support and I look forward to getting to know you even better. If you have any further questions, feel free to come and ask me or email me (


Best wishes,  


Miss Coleman  

Rabbits Class 2020/2021

Summer Term is here!


Rabbits have been so busy in Term 5! In our space themed topic, we found out about the first man to land on the moon and even discovered a UFO in forest school... some suspect aliens! Meanwhile rabbits class have also joined Professor Klunk on his curious quest and have been helping the faithful friends to look after themselves. They have learnt about habitats and have successfully located some in school. This term, we will be continuing to answer 'What it takes to be a great explorer?' and we welcome Mrs Ilett to join us in the afternoons too. I look forward to the fun times ahead!

Here is some useful information for the term ahead :)

Summer Term 6


Dates for Forest School & PE are as follows:

Forest School-  Tuesday 8th June, Tuesday 22nd June, Tuesday 6th July, Tuesday 20th July

PE- Tuesday 15th June, Tuesday 29th June, Tuesday 13th July.


The PE kit is as follows:


  • Plain white t-shirt, preferably without any logos. This doesn’t include football tops.
  • Black/navy shorts.
  • Trainers or plimsolls
  • Hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed whenever possible. If ears are newly-pierced, then they may be taped up for PE lessons. Necklaces and watches should be removed.


On forest school days, ensure your child is dressed appropriately and remembers their boots.



It has been great to see the children earning their reading bugs in celebration assemblies- lets keep this up! Please could reading books come into school every day to ensure we can hear the children read but also so we can log the number of times read at home for reading bugs. Reading books will be changed every Thursday and if you wish to earn more points for your next reading bug, please share your reading eggs too.






Dress Fancy Day! Didn't we look smart!?

We loved the dinosaur experience!

Great fun training to be Astronauts on the space hoppers!

The day we found the crash site of a UFO in forest school...

Hi everyone,


-Just an update for you all -


I hope we are all well and adjusting to lockdown 3 as well as can be. The classroom is very quiet without you! I am absolutely gutted that I haven’t been able to meet you all yet and I look forward to the day we return to the classroom. For now, lets zoom rabbits!


I have been very busy preparing materials and resources for you and hope they will be useful to you. Please appreciate that my time spent with the children so far has been very limited due to the current situation we find ourselves in. Therefore, I will be very grateful of any contact and feedback regarding the home learning tasks set and I am very interested to hear how you are all getting on. It has been lovely to see some achievements already!


Hopefully you will have received your letter from Mr Leach with log in details to access your home learning. In the google drive you will find some information to help you find your way around- take a look and if you have any problems just shout! :)


Rabbits, be awesome! Keep smiling. Together, we can hop on through this!


See you on zoom!


Best wishes,

Miss Coleman


Hi everyone,


Wishing a happy new year to you all! What a strange time we find ourselves in again. I did not expect to start my time at Palmarsh going into another lockdown. I hope we are all keeping well and safe. Despite the current circumstances, I have had the greatest time getting to know Rabbits class!


I will be adding home learning for English, Maths, Phonics and Topic work each week. For this week’s home learning please see the dated attachments below- this includes Maths and English home learning for Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th and Friday 8th January. Mr Leach will be sending you a letter explaining how home learning will work and how you can access this.

For now, if you have any questions about the home learning activities uploaded, please feel free to send me an email on


I can’t wait for us to be together again and I look forward to the exciting times we will have in the near future. For now, please stay in contact and I will be happy to help with any queries.


Stay safe and keep smiling 😊


Miss Coleman

Hello and welcome to Year 2!


Scroll down to see our learning in English and Maths and the rest of our curriculum as well as our extra-curricular activities. In Year 2 we are learning about Pirates and the Seas and how they can help us answer our questions.


Such as:

What would Pirates see on their travels? - Looking at the continents, seas and the world!

Why would the weather be so important? - Learning about the types of weather.

What can we see from our porthole? - Art inspired from views from travels and observation

What do you do if you found yourself shipwrecked? - Making full use of our wonderful forest school (dates below)



There are links and documents below that might be useful for you and your child throughout the year. Have a look at the Key vocabulary for our learning and an overview of what we are going to learn.


Keep revisiting for photos of our Class as we learn and grow at Palmarsh!



Phonics and English:


In Year 2 we are learning how to become fluent in our reading and skilled in our writing - reading at home will greatly help this! Please find the link below for Reading Eggs which the children can use at home - their logins have already gone home, if you require another copy please let me know. 


In Class we are following the story of The Pirates of Scurvey Sands and their adventures. We are building up our skillset to be able to write our own narratives! Watch this space for some Pirate adventures.

Role Play using question words



In Maths this term we are focusing on Place Value and being really confident with our numbers. We started off with a recap of our numbers using nature to help us and we were blown away by the Mathematicians in the class!


Next, we are looking at the place value of numbers and recognising tens and ones and the value of numbers.



(Photos to follow very soon!)

Maths using Base 10 to help us with Place Value.

Forest School and PE:


Our Forest School and PE day is a Tuesday. We will be alternating between the two each week; dates are as follows:







Forest School






***Children are to come to school in their PE kits or Forest School clothes on these days as we will not be changing, thanks for you support with this! ***

Forest School - Making flags with Nature and exploring

Homework suggestions Term 1 and 2.

Key Vocabulary and Curriculum Overview for Terms 1 and 2.

Cerebral Palsy Awareness - Year 2 wearing something green!