Lunch Menus
School Meals
School lunches are freshly cooked on site each day. They currently cost £2.35 per day.
To pay for your child/ren's school dinner login to Parent Pay and you can pay easily online.
Alternatively, if you do not use online banking then we are able to give you a letter with a barcode to use at any Pay Point - once you have paid, the money will load into your Parent Pay account.
If you require any support with any of these methods, please come to the main office and we will be happy to help.
The school has nothing to do with the financial administration of school lunches, but will pass on any queries for you to Whole School Meals.
Free School Meals
Free school meals are available for the children of those parents who qualify. Those parents who are in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Guaranteed Element of Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (but not working Tax Credit) where income does not exceed £16,190 are eligible. A free meals application form (M18) is available from the school office. Alternatively, you can complete this online via KCC website. When completed, it should be returned to the school office, together with proof of receipt of benefit. Once the application has been assessed by the LEA, the School Office is notified of the date the free meals should commence and if necessary, any cash adjustments will be made by the school meals cash collector.
Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch to school. They will be supervised while they eat this. No glass bottles, canned, or fizzy drinks are permitted for safety reasons. Also please no nuts products due to allergies.