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Palmarsh Primary School home page

Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Y4- Frog Class



Hello and welcome to Frog Class Page!


Class Teacher: Mrs French

TA: Mrs Martin



Please keep checking this page for regular updates, information and pictures of our learning we will encountering over the course of this year.


If at anytime, you have any questions for, please do not hesitate to contact us via my email address below. 




Mrs French


Mrs French's spelling group Term 6

Mrs Martin's spelling group Term 6

History Homework

Mrs Martin's spelling group Term 5

Mrs French's spelling group Term 5

Curriculum Overview Term Four

Mrs Martin's spelling group term 4

Mrs French's spelling group term 4

Congratulations! Frog Class have answered the question ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’. Well done to all the children who entered their excellent inventions.

Hastings Aquarium Trip

Design and Technology: Designing and making biscuits

Beach Clean

Dover Museum Trip

Spellings Mrs French's group

Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term

Watch out there is a gorilla in our classroom! Fortunately, this gorilla was very friendly and helped us act out the story of 'Gorilla' that we had been exploring in our English lessons.

Enjoying Forest School, building dens and eating marshmallows around the camp fire.

Our trip to Port Lympne

Dear parents / guardians,

All children have been given their TT Rockstars log in details. Times tables are a main focus in Year Four, so please can your child log in at home and practise. If you would prefer paper copies for your children to use please let me know. 

Thank you, 

Mrs French 

 Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars ( 

Term 1 Curriculum Overview