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Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Physical Education

Welcome to PE at Palmarsh! 



“Work the body, work the mind”



At Palmarsh Primary School, we believe that Physical Education offers great opportunities in enabling children to develop the crucial skills and attributes desired in the modern world. We want Physical Education to support every child’s journey in becoming ‘thinking’ physical beings, ‘doing’ physical beings and ‘behavioural change’ physical beings using the concept of

‘Head, Hands and Heart’ (AFPE. Retrieved from (head-hands-heart-web.pdf

( We aim to encourage habits of lifelong participation of being ‘physical’ whilst promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle through offering a well- structured and varied curriculum alongside many opportunities for physical activities. Throughout we aim to develop children’s physical abilities, physical literacy (knowledge of the body) and reflective thinking. All children learn how to plan, perform and evaluate their actions to inspire them to reach their fullest potential. Our intent aligns with national guidelines and contributes to the overall educational objectives of the school community.

Our Curriculum

Throughout the PE curriculum, we aim to improve children’s physical, mental and social development across a variety of different sports and physical activities.  

“Healthy bodies = healthy minds”

At Palmarsh we have a sports specialist who provides PE support every Friday. This allows staff to continue developing professionally and allows them to feel refreshed on subject knowledge and new teaching approaches. We pride ourselves on offering all pupils the chance to experience a wide a range of sporting opportunities. Each year group will be taught six different sports as seen on our curriculum overview. Alongside this, all classes are taught gymnastics, dance and can attend swimming lessons and forest school experiences. Please see the attached appendices at the end of this document for more details.



To realise our intent, we have structured our PE curriculum around the following key principles:

  1. Curriculum Design: Our PE curriculum is based on the National Curriculum guidelines and is enriched with diverse activities, including games, gymnastics, dance, swimming, and athletics. We ensure progression and continuity across all year groups, adhering to clear learning objectives that build on prior knowledge.
  2.  Inclusive and Differentiated Approach: We recognise the different abilities and interests of our pupils, providing tailored learning experiences that cater to individual needs. This includes adaptive resources and specific activities for pupils with disabilities, ensuring that all children can participate and thrive in PE. We also offer attendance to SEND festivals in the community.
  3. Quality Teaching and Learning: Our PE lessons are delivered by highly qualified staff who are committed to continuous professional development. We employ a variety of teaching styles and assessment methods to engage pupils actively and encourage lifelong learning. Teachers are trained to provide constructive feedback, enabling pupils to reflect on their performance and set personal improvement goals.
  4. Extra-curricular Opportunities: We provide an extensive range of after-school clubs, inter-school competitions, and community events that extend beyond the classroom, fostering a love for physical activity. We promote physical activity through visits to our forest school on site and caring for the school’s animals. Children’s leadership skills are encouraged in upper key stage 2 whereby they lead games and physical activities during play times. Children are also able to attend trips to our local  F51 (climbing centre) and water sports.
  • Promoting Healthy Lifestyles: We integrate health education into our PE curriculum, educating pupils on nutrition, mental health, and the importance of regular physical activity. We endeavour a cross curricular approach whereby PSHE and Science focusses of healthy living can be incorporated into PE lessons.




The impact of our PE provision is measured through a variety of methods:

  1. Pupil Progress and Achievement: Our assessment frameworks track pupils’ progress in PE every term. We expect to see a significant proportion of pupils meeting or exceeding age-related expectations by the end of each key stage.
  2. Engagement and Participation: Pupil engagement in lessons and extra-curricular activities is monitored through attendance records and feedback surveys. The outcome reflects a high percentage of pupils participating actively and enjoying their PE experience which we are proud of.
  3. Health and Wellbeing: We observe improved health outcomes and increased physical activity levels among pupils. Surveys and reflection sessions indicate a growing awareness of nutrition, mental wellbeing, and the broader impacts of an active lifestyle.
  4. Competitions and Achievements: Successful participation in inter-school and intra-school competitions with notable achievements by our pupils showcases our positive PE approach. We celebrate these accomplishments, further motivating pupils to engage in sports and physical activity.

In conclusion, our Physical Education curriculum not only meets the required standards but also inspires a generation of healthy, active learners who are equipped to lead fulfilling lives. Through our structured intent, implementation strategies, and meaningful impact measurement, we are dedicated to ensuring that every child benefits from the enriching PE, school sport and physical activity experiences that we offer.


Please see class pages for more detail of curriculum coverage.

Long term plan

Year 5