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Palmarsh Primary School home page

Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Y1- Hedgehog Class

Meet the teachers

PSHE- Term 3- We have been discussing our dreams and goals. We have been exploring teamwork and how we can achieve our goals

Maths- Term 3- We started our term exploring 2D and 3D shapes and now we are exploring numbers within 20

Term 3- English- The Lion Inside

Art- Term 3- We have been exploring watercolour and making pictures inspired by Emma Burleigh and Paul Klee

History- We have been learning about childhood's of the past and created a time capsule for our own childhood.

Geography- We have been learning the countries in the United Kingdom, our local area, maps and making our own maps of the playground

Special Events

R.E.- We have been learning about Christianity and the Christmas story. We have looked at meaningful gifts that Christians may give Jesus if he was born in Palmarsh today.

Math- We have been exploring place value and addition and subtraction of numbers to 10.

English- In term 1 our book was Lost and Found and term 2 it was Nibbles the book monster