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Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Y1- Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog class with Mrs Stiles, Mrs Martin and Miss Goodburn.




Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, my email address is

Term 6-Extrodinary Places

English- This term, our Pathways to write book will be William Shakespeare- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, text adapted by Brooke Jorden. We will be focusing on writing character descriptions. We will be focusing on joining ideas using ‘and’ and using adjectives for description. We will be including questions and exclamation sentences.


Maths- Our next topic in Maths will first focus on position and direction where we will learn left, right, forwards and backwards. We will continue the term looking at place value within 100.


Science- This term is all about investigating through stories. We will be answering questions such as do taller trees have wider trunks?


Geography- We will be looking at what it is like to live in Shanghai and using this to compare the human and physical features to our local area.


PE- Our P.E. this term will be Athletics. Our P.E. will be on Friday afternoon. Please make sure children come to school in their PE kit of a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn.


PSHE- This term, our jigsaw topic is Changing me. We will use this term to explore how we change and life cycles.


Music- We will be exploring musical vocabulary through music. We will be consolidating our learning through the year including pitch, rhythm and timbre.


Design and Technology- In our D.T. this term we will be making smoothies. Though this we will be looking at fruits and non-fruits as well as how fruit grows.


Term 5-Everyday Heroes

English- This term, our Pathways to write book will be Somebody swallowed Stanley by Sarah Roberts. We will end our book by writing information about the sea animals in our text. We will be focusing on joining ideas using ‘and’ and adding suffixes to our words. We will be including questions and exclamation sentences.


Maths- Our next topic in Maths will first focus on multiplication and division. We will start with counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and equal groups. We will finish the term looking at fractions, focusing on finding a half and a quarter.


Science- This term is all about plants. We will be exploring the parts of a plant, deciduous and evergreen trees and edible plants.


History- We will be looking at how explorers have changed the world. We will learn about Christopher Columbus, Dame Ellen MacArthur, Mathew Henson and Mary Kingsley.


PE- Our P.E. this term will be Cricket. Our P.E. will be on Friday afternoon. Please make sure children come to school in their PE kit of a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn.


PSHE- This term, our jigsaw topic is Relationships. We will use this term to explore people who help us, our families and our friends.


Music- We will be exploring superheroes through music. We will be learning about how pitch and tempo are used in music.


Art- Our Art this term will be playful making. We will be exploring sculptures and discovering different methods to join materials.



Term 4

English- Our next book for our Pathways to Write is Beegu by Alexis Deacon. We will end our book by writing our own stories with a new lost creature. We will be focusing on joining ideas using ‘and’ and adding suffixes to our words. We will be including questions and exclamation sentences.


Maths- Our next topic in Maths will focus on place value within 50. We will start with place value and will practice writing, using manipulatives to build the numbers and using number lines to 50. We will finish the term looking at length and height.


Science- This term is all about animals and their habitats. We will be comparing animals by looking at their similarities and differences. We will explore animal groups and the foods they eat.


Geography- We will be exploring the weather in the UK. This will include exploring where the UK is, the countries in the UK and their capital cities.


PE- Our P.E. this term will be Rugby. Our P.E. will be on Friday afternoon. Please make sure children come to school in their PE kit of a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn.


PSHE- This term, our jigsaw topic is Healthy me. We will use this term to explore how we can keep safe and healthy.


Music- We will be exploring fairytales through music. We will be exploring the timbre and rhythmic patterns in music.


Design and Technology- Our DT will explore, design and create our own windmills.

Term 3


English- Our next book for our Pathways to Write is The Lion Inside By Rachel Bright and Jim Field. We will end our book by writing our own stories about a small animal who befriends a large animal in the African savannah. We will be focusing on joining ideas using ‘and’ and  adding suffixes to our words. We will include character descriptions and setting descriptions in our story.


Maths- Our next topic in Maths will focus on place value and addition and subtraction within 20. We will start with place value and will practice writing, using manipulatives to build the numbers and using number lines to 20. We will continue by looking at our number bonds to 20 and use these to complete addition and subtraction problems.


Science- This term is all about our bodies and senses. We will look at labeling our bodies and continue by exploring what each of our senses is for and how we use them.


History- We will be investigating toys and comparing our toys to toys of the past. We will explore the similarities and differences and how they have changed over the years.


PE- Our P.E. this term will be handball. Our P.E. will be on Friday morning. Please make sure children come to school in their PE kit of a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn.


PSHE- This term, our jigsaw topic is Dreams and Goals. We will use this term to explore how we can achieve our goals and celebrate our success.


Music- We will be exploring sounds by the sea and will be looking at how we can use our bodies and voices to represent the setting.


Art- Our Art will explore watercolour and how we can use this in different ways. We will be looking at the work of Paul Klee and Emma Burleigh.


Home learning- Each child will be sent out an individual pack of sounds to focus on. It would be really beneficial for these to be completed and to continue to focus on these sounds at home. Any sheets completed can be sent back into school and children will receive a house point for each one.

Term 1


English- We shall be using the Pathways to Write programme for English this year. This term our book is Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Our focus is on using features in our sentences such as capital letters, finger spaces and full stops by the end of the term we will write our own stories using a different animal.


Maths- We will be using White Rose scheme for maths this year. During this term our focus is on place value. We will be focusing on our numbers up to 10, we will start the term practising writing the numbers and representing our numbers using manipulatives. From this we will then start to compare our numbers using less than, greater than and equal to.


Science- We will be using Kapow Primary scheme for our Science this year. We will start our year discussing the seasons. This will include the months, weather, changes in through the year and the differences and similarities with the seasons.


Curriculum- We will be using Kapow Primary for our curriculum subjects. We will be alternating between History and Geography each term. This term we will be looking at our personal history and comparing our childhood now with the past.


P.E.- Our P.E. this term will be dance. Our P.E. will be on Friday afternoon. Please make sure children come to school in their PE kit of a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn.


PSHE- We will be using Jigsaw scheme for our PSHE and will start with our topic of Being in my World.


Music- Our Music will be from Kapow Primary scheme. We will be focusing on the pulse and rhythm of a variety of pieces of music.


Art- Our Art this year follows the scheme Access Art and will focus on drawing spirals.


Reading is an essential part of each day at school and the children in the Hedgehog class love to share and read a range of books. Please could reading books come into school everyday, even if the children haven't read, as we like to share their books at any given chance. 


Remember each time your child reads, even if it is just a page, please sign in their reading record book so it can work towards each reading bug.


Homework Hedgehogs- Children will be sent home with a Hedgehog with different things that you may like to focus on at home such as number and letter formation, features of our writing and any phonics sounds.


Tuesday 5th September 2023

Due to the closure tomorrow, I have provided the following tasks for your home learning. I can't wait to see all your amazing pieces of work!


English: We explored our front cover together and discussed what we can see in the picture. Can you write a few sentences about what you can see in the picture?


For example,

I can see the stars.

I can see a boy and a penguin.


Extension: Can you add an adjective in your sentence?

For example,

I can see the bright stars.

I can see a boy and a black penguin.


Remember to start with a capital letter, use your finger spaces, sound out each word using your phonics and end with a full stop.


I look forward to reading your awesome sentences.


Phonics: We played this game yesterday as a class. Have a go today using all our phase 3 sounds.

Phonics play- buried treasure


Maths: We looked at practically sorting objects in different ways yesterday. Please complete the worksheet to continue your learning.


As we are still closed, please see further suggested activities.


English - Create a front cover for your 'We're going on a dinosaur hunt' story. What is included on a front cover? What should the title be and how should it look? Will you have any illustrations? Do the illustrations need to match what happens in the story? 


Maths - Imagine you are in Hedgehog class. Write directions using positional language from Hedgehog class to another place in school, but DO NOT say where. Bring these directions in to school with you and see if the class can guess where your directions would lead them to.


Research - Can you find out any interesting dinosaur facts to share with the class?

You could use a book, ask questions to someone, use the internet or watch an educational TV show. 

'Andy's dinosaur adventures' and 'Dino Dana' are television shows which teach dinosaur facts through entertainment. 


We look forward to seeing you all Wednesday 21st June for an adventure in our new classroom set up :) 


As school is unexpectedly closed Friday 16th June, please see suggested activities below.


English - We have started writing our own 'We're going on a dinosaur hunt' stories. Have a go at writing the next part.

What happens when you get to the cave? Who do we see? Can you describe the new character? What do we do next?


Maths - We are just coming to the end of our 'Position and Direction' unit. Try a quiz using the following link, and practise what we have learnt by playing the game 'Karate Cats', selecting the 'position and direction' unit and picking either the bronze, silver or gold challenge.

KS1 Maths free game - Karate Cats - Primary school times tables, division, shapes, fractions - BBC Bitesize


Time to get creative! - Can you have a go at drawing your own dinosaur picture? Or can you have a go at making a dinosaur using junk modelling or anything else you can find?


If you would like to send in any work/photos, or if you have any questions then please don't hesitate to email me on



Thank you,

Mrs Leach, Miss Goodburn and Mrs Johnson

Since the start of this term we have been incredibly busy.

Not only have we been paleontologists searching for fossils, but we have also been on a dinosaur hunt!

We found a friendly T-Rex...who happened to have the same shoes as Mrs Goodburn?! smiley

Our dinosaur adventures

PE will be on Tuesday of each week.


Just a reminder …...

The PE kit is as follows:


  • Plain white t-shirt, preferably without any logos. This doesn’t include football tops.
  • Black/navy shorts.
  • Trainers or plimsolls
  • Hair should be tied back and jewellery should be removed.


Please remember on this day children come dressed in their PE kit. 



Reading is an essential part of each day at school and the children in the Hedgehog class love to share and read a range of books.


Please could reading books come into school everyday, even if the children haven't read, as we like to share their books at any given chance. 


Remember each time your child reads, even if it is just a page, please sign in their reading record book so it can work towards each reading bug.


Primary Engineer Project

Look at our amazing cars!