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Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School


Mathematics at Palmarsh



At Palmarsh School, we strive to foster a profound love of Mathematics and the manipulation of numbers among our pupils. We believe it is essential that children not only learn mathematical concepts but also apply their understanding in real-world contexts. This approach enriches their educational experience, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Mathematics encompasses a broad range of skills, including the comprehension of numbers and number operations. It necessitates the ability to tackle numerical problems, particularly those relating to money and measurement. Our curriculum promotes familiarity with the presentation of numerical information through graphs, charts, and tables, thereby equipping students with the tools to interpret data effectively.

Moreover, nurturing confidence in mathematical reasoning enables children to take increasing ownership of their learning. They engage in investigations and solve problems independently, fostering critical thinking skills that are vital for their overall development. Additionally, it is imperative that children understand and can rationalise both 2-D and 3-D shapes. This foundational knowledge not only enhances their spatial awareness but also prepares them for more advanced mathematical concepts in their future education.


At Palmarsh Primary School, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and inclusive mathematics education grounded in the principles of the White Rose Scheme of Learning. Our mission is to ensure that all pupils are, not only capable of achieving high standards in mathematics, but are also equipped with the skills and confidence necessary to approach mathematical concepts with an open mind. We believe that cultivating a mastery curriculum is essential for fostering a culture of high expectations, where the majority of pupils progress through curriculum content at a consistent pace.

Our aims in teaching mathematics are diverse yet interlinked, reflecting our holistic approach to education:

  • We strive to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics among our pupils. We recognise that many students harbour fears and anxieties associated with the subject; therefore, we are dedicated to building confidence as they explore and utilise various mathematical ideas and strategies. By fostering a supportive learning environment, we aim to diminish these apprehensions and instil a love for learning mathematics.
  • We are committed to ensuring that our mathematics curriculum remains meaningful and relevant to real-life contexts. By connecting mathematical concepts to everyday situations, we encourage pupils to see the practical applications of their learning, thereby enhancing their engagement and motivation.
  • At the heart of our teaching approach is the development of perseverance, creativity, and flexibility. We equip students with the ability to adopt different techniques when tackling problems, promoting a mindset that values resilience and innovative thinking. This is particularly important in fostering a culture where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities rather than setbacks.
  • Fluency in mathematics is another key aim. We encourage pupils to develop a deep conceptual understanding that allows them to recall and apply knowledge with both rapidity and accuracy. This fluency serves as the foundation upon which more complex mathematical problem-solving skills can be built.
  • An essential component of our curriculum is the emphasis on reasoning. We aim to develop pupils' powers of reasoning, empowering them to follow lines of inquiry, recognise patterns, conjecture relationships and generalisations, and articulate their arguments using precise mathematical language. This critical thinking is integral to scientific and mathematical literacy.
  • Our pupils are encouraged to become proficient problem solvers. We teach them to apply their mathematical knowledge with increasing sophistication, breaking down challenges into manageable steps and recording their work systematically. By fostering a mentality of perseverance, we prepare students to persist in their quest for solutions even when faced with difficulties.
  • Effective communication of mathematical understanding is vital. Therefore, we guide children to express their thoughts clearly using accurate mathematical language, thus enhancing their ability to articulate their ideas and reasoning processes.
  • We recognise the importance of integrating technology into our instruction, enabling pupils to harness new technologies for solving mathematical problems with efficiency and confidence. This prepares them for the digital world in which they will live and work.
  • Finally, we empower students to take ownership of their learning. By allowing them to choose methods for recording their work and selecting resources that support their individual learning journeys, we foster a sense of pride in their mathematical achievements.

Through the purposeful development of links between mathematics and other areas of the curriculum, we aim to provide a cohesive and enriched educational experience that nurtures well-rounded individuals. At Palmarsh Primary School, our mission in mathematics education is not merely about numbers; it is about shaping lifelong learners who appreciate the beauty and utility of mathematics in their daily lives.


In our approach to mathematics teaching in primary school, we aim to create a comprehensive framework that enriches children’s mathematical experiences. To introduce new concepts, we will employ whole-class teaching methodologies, ensuring that all pupils receive consistent and clear instruction. Subsequently, children will engage in cooperative group work, which will foster essential teamwork and communication skills.

In addition to group dynamics, paired work will be incorporated, allowing for mixed-ability and ability pairs to encourage peer learning and support. Independent tasks are also vital, as they promote perseverance and resilience in problem-solving. Our curriculum will feature a variety of practical, investigative, oral, written, and problem-solving activities to cater to diverse learning styles.

We recognise the significance of developing mental strategies, providing opportunities for pupils to internalise and refine their individual calculation methods. This personalised approach will enable children to enhance their pace of work effectively. Furthermore, regular sessions for reviewing and refining ideas will be implemented to solidify understanding.

To facilitate an engaging learning environment, we will integrate innovative technologies, employing computer software and iPads to support and enhance the learning experience. Through this multi-dimensional strategy, we are committed to delivering a robust mathematics education that prepares children for future academic challenge.



Mathematics education in primary schools plays a pivotal role in shaping pupils' understanding of the subject and its relevance in the wider world. By engaging students with practical applications of mathematics, they develop an awareness of how and why these concepts are utilised beyond the classroom, particularly in various workplace settings. This understanding is crucial as it illuminates pathways towards careers that necessitate robust mathematical skills.

Effective teaching strategies ensure that children master mathematical concepts by enabling them to express their understanding in multiple forms. Pupils who can articulate their thought processes using appropriate mathematical language demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter. Furthermore, the ability to independently apply mathematical concepts to novel challenges showcases their analytical and problem-solving skills.

A fundamental aspect of mathematical proficiency is the quick recall of essential facts and procedures, including times tables. This fluency not only reinforces a pupil's confidence but also equips them with the necessary tools to tackle more complex mathematical problems in future academic pursuits. In essence, a strong foundation in mathematics during primary education significantly enhances pupils' future potential, preparing them for a variety of opportunities that require analytical thinking and numeracy skills.