Y3-Owl Class
“Making our journey to becoming wise owls...”
Hello and welcome to Owl Class page!
Year 3 have had a few new faces joining our class over the past number of weeks, however our newest member of the class, is a little of the furry type!
Socks, a Syrian Hamster, will be taking up residence in our class from next term, giving the children a chance to learn about how to look after small animals.
As always, in maths we have a massive focus on our times tables, improving day on day our rapid recall of all the times tables. Who else can move up to the Olympic Times Table challenge? If you would like to practice, I have attached the Times Tables tests below.
This term we are reading a remarkable book called 'The Moon man' a lovely book full of fun and endearing characters and a thought-provoking story line.
Science this term will be based on Light and Dark. We shall be investigating how shadows are formed, natural and man made light sources, reflecting light and the dangers of too much sunlight.
To infinity and beyond!
Year 3 will be blasting off into space in Term 5, learning about the solar system and all the planets within.
Forest School dates: 17th April, 1st May and 15th May . Please bring in warm, waterproof clothes as we will be going out in any weather!
Our PE will be continuing on a Friday afternoon. Our sport this term will be 'Cricket' As well as our normal PE kit, please pack a warm jumper and tracksuit bottoms as we will try and get outside as much as possible.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to come and see me.
All the best,
Mr Risby