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Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Y5- Fox Class

Welcome to Fox Class' Page

Teacher Mr. Jones

Teaching assistants - Mrs. Anderson and Mrs Tilley

Greeting all and welcome to Term 6!

How was your half term? I spent mine in Germany visiting family and staying at Centre Parcs.

We cannot believe this is the final term! Where has the time gone? It's been a blast so far so let's hope we can end the year with a bang... just not literally!

Please check out what we will be learning this term and remember we are always here to help and support you and your child if needed!




Mr Jones



Mr Jones


Mrs Anderson


Mrs Tilley


Spellings for Mr Jones' group term 6 week 5

















English - Writing this term across the school will relate to the work of Shakespeare no less. We have to texts to look at; Bold and Brave Women for Shakespeare and A stage full of Shakespeare stories. Our writing outcome will be to write a monologue. 


Maths - After finishing perimeter and area, we move onto Summer Term 2 which includes Shape, Position and Direction, Measures as well as a bit more on decimals. 


Science - Our final topic of the year will be the Human Timeline


Curriculum - Geography to finish the year and we will be asking, 'Would you like to live in the desert?' I can feel a trip to Qatar coming on!


P.E.  Dance will continue on Thursday with Mrs Marco as we build up to a grand performance at Brockhill on July 10th (Details TBC)

On Friday's we shall have Mark and I will teach alternate weeks focusing on Athletics and preparation for Sports Day. A reminder please that children should come into school wearing the correct PE kit of a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Dark jumpers/hoodies or school jumpers/cardigans can be worn if you feel the cold.


PSHE - Changing me is the final unit of the year. The children will be learning about self and body image as well as how their bodies will change and what puberty for boys and girls is all about. 


RE - This term the children will be covering Islam and asking How is the Qur'an vital to Muslims today? 



Music - The class will be finishing the unit they started last term entitled Looping and Mixing. 


Art/DT - We finish the year with DT with a focus on our health and cooking healthily. 


Computing - This term we shall hone our word processing skills using MS Word. 


French - We end the term exploring family, ours and that of others.  





Children will be taught spellings each week and will be discretely tested on these once a week. Children's spelling will be tailored to their individual ability and need. Please support and encourage your children to practice these at home as it is invaluable to their success with reading and writing.





Could I ask that the children read once daily and have their reading record signed by whomever listens to them. Could I also ask that your child practices their spellings each week. 

Additional work maybe sent home as and when it is felt they need extra practice. 

If children refuse to complete tasks at school, it may be necessary to send the work home. 

Photos of our learning

Leeds Castle