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Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Y6- Badger Class

Monday 22nd January 2024 - Trip to the Natural History Museum and Shrek world

Welcome to Year 6 / Badger Class! 

Class Teacher - Miss Beckett

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Forbes 


Welcome back to Term 6! 


Hope you all had a lovely May half term and enjoyed the break. We would just like to say a massive well done for your hard word during SAT's week. You all had positive attitudes and approached the tests in a mature manner we are all very proud.


I can't believe we are in our final term of the year. This is a jampacked term. We will soon begin preparations for our production Bugsy Malone. Every Friday afternoon we will be going swimming, look out on parent pay for extra information on that. The most talked about trip of the year PGL will soon come up, again there will be an information evening all about this. In addition we have: beach day, sports day, Bell boat challenge, Police activity day, prom and transition preparations for your secondary schools. I have a feeling this term will fly by. 


Again thank you for your continued support and if you ever need anything find us on the playground or go to the office. 



Miss Beckett and Mrs Forbes 


For Term 6 PE will be athletics and swimming  on a Friday. Can children come to school dressed in appropriate PE kit and bring in their swimming kits every Friday unless stated. 



DT project Term 4 - Playparks


English - During term 5 our class text will be 'Manfish' by Jennifer Berne. Our final piece will be a biography. Over the next couple of weeks we will there will also be the opportunity for further pieces of extended writing.  


Maths - Term 5 we will be looking at: Area, Perimeter, statistics and shape. We will also be revising for the arithmetic and reasoning paper.  


Geography - Where does our energy come from?  


Science - Animals: Circulation and health.  



Computing - blogging, text adventures and networks.


PSHE - Following the Jigsaw scheme our next sequence is called 'Healthy me.'


PE - Term 5 PE will be cricket on a Friday.  


Art - Design, making, drawing sketchbooks: Take a seat. 


French - Planning a French holiday.   


Music - Composing and performing a leavers song. 

Thursday 12th October - Trip to Dover Castle to see the war tunnels and code workshop

Tuesday 17th October - Trip to Battle of Britain memorial