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Palmarsh Primary School home page

Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Online Safety


At Palmarsh we utilise the wealth of resources and information that the internet provides, but we also understand with opportunities comes risks and e-security is about protecting against these potential dangers. The internet is an incredible resource but left unmanaged it poses risks.


At our school we educate our pupils to develop skills to help them evaluate online material in a critical way to ensure that they keep themselves and others from harm by educating them on how to protect themselves when using Social Media, against cyber bullying and other risks both within schools and in their lives outside school.

New technologies have become integral to all children and young people in today’s society which is why e-Safety is important and parents play a key role in keeping children safe.


This page has been developed to provide useful resources and information in becoming internet safe for both children and parents alike.